Please Help Bring Closure to Kevin “Man” Jackson, Jr’s. Family

Kevin “Man” Jackson, Jr.,  was reported missing on Monday, April 10th 2023, by his family. They stated that Kevin was last seen on April 7th, as he left work  at 3701 Faye Rd..

Human remains were discovered near Interstate 95 and Broward Road on April 25th. The remains were later identified as Kevin Rondael Jackson, Jr. Jackson’s vehicle was recovered on April 30th in the 2200 block of W.43rd St. it had been set on fire.

Kevin Jackson liked to hang out at the BP Gas Station on Soutel Dr. He was a family man and was only 33 years old. If anyone has any information on the whereabouts of Kevin Jackson, Jr. in the days leading up to the discovery of his remains or has any information on who may have harmed him, PLEASE call First Coast Crime Stoppers at 1-866-845-8477 or by dialing **TIPS (star star 8477) on your cell phone. You will remain anonymous and could be eligible for a cash reward up to $3,000.