On Tuesday, June 12, 2012 at around3:30AM, Union County Sheriff’s Office received a report of an unknown blackmale that entered the Lake Butler – Kangaroo Store at the corner of SR121 andSR231.
Unknown black male entered the KangarooStore pointing a gun at the cashier and demanded money. The suspect is described as approximately 6feet tall, slender build and was wearing a black sweat shirt with a hood, bluejeans, dark colored shoes and a mask over his face. The suspect waved a silver colored revolverat the cashier. The suspect left thestore within seconds of entering.
Department of Corrections K-9 units anddeputies from the Union County Sheriff’s Office conducted a citywide search ofthe area and tracked the suspect a short distance. The suspect was captured on videosurveillance and is being investigated for links to other crimes.
Any information please contact Major Garry Seayat 386-496-2501 or you can remain anonymous by contacting First Coast CrimeStoppers 1-866-845-TIPS (8477) and be eligible for a cash reward up to a $1,000.